Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chuck Bass.....

As i write this I'm overcome with sadness...Chuck Bass, THE Chuck Bass one of the most legendary characters on TV.Although fictional, to me he's as real as any1 i have ever met that's why today's episode of Gossip Girl (episode 22) was nothing short of TRAGIC.
Chuck Bass the man we all hate to Love.Could this be the end of Chuck Bass I hope and pray it isn't. Seen by many as cold and calculating, but to me he was a "lonely boy" neglected,lonely, searching for some1 to love and now it seems that he may never get the chance to love and be loved. I feel there a many people, real people, just like chuck unbeknown to us that need love and are searching for love.
Oh Chuck, my poor Chuck...He was going to propose why would they kill him off just now.WHY??!!!!!!!

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