Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I forgot I had a blog...."apparently" I'm crazy

If you've noticed the two have nothing In common...I'm referring, of course to forgetting I have a blog, and being crazy;two very isolated incidents.
I'll opt for the more interesting one of course I wouldn't want to bore myself to sleep while typing ,that would just be REALLY why exactly am I CRAZY?I'm not exactly sure it could be for one of these reasons:

1.I tend to say insane things off the top if my head...this requires very little thinking and a lot of talking.LOL you should try it.
2. I make MYSELF laugh as you might have noticed in point 1. above,I'm not sure that means I'm crazy though I think it just makes me THAT FUNNY.
3.Maybe I've been watching too much South Park and Family guy.

But I think the reason I'm CRAZY would probably be because of this:

4.Bubbles...Who happens to be a very concentrated combination of all three things above,and maybe some medication (LOL) I cant prove that last one but I suspect its true.I mean she calls herself a "Ninja" and her husband is a "Samurai" can you get any crazier than that?!!!It rubs off on a person.

So yeah I'm crazy (a lil bit),but SHE is CRAZIER!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blogs are fun to write....

Almost forgot how fun it is to write thoughts down..and how fun it is to write a Blog.Does it matter that no one gets to read it...not really,its like a "dear diary" moment minus the diary(was never really a fan of diaries anyway).So when was the last time I actually posted a blog..I would say roughly two or three months ago I haven't been keeping track until recently.So what exactly has happened between NOW and then I would say...A LOT.Well for one I am FINALLY going home tomorrow...been looking forward to this moment months ago.
There are obviously more memorable moments however the clock is ticking away and I have to be up early...but before I disappear for another couple of months.I would like to mention that I just watch Charlie St.Cloud...I wasn't expecting much going into this movie but I got more than I bargained(In a good way of course),Zac Efron really impressed me with his acting,superb to say the least,I was touched by his performance and to think his overly feminine performances in the overly perky tween Disney's High School Musical almost made me lose all interest in him.
I definitely want to see more of him and not just for his acting skills *wink**wink*..If ever there was anyone worthy of being dubbed the Brad Pitt of this era it would be Zac...Blonde,blue eyes and a great smile 10/10

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Home is where the heart is.....

Lady antebellums's Home is where the heart is seems very appropriate right now..sooo xcited to finally be going home.Although not as xcited as i have been the past couple of weeks..still enough to make me look forward to the whole trip.This time tomorrow i'll be in the land of the brave...*sigh* Finally i get to have the much needed rest=)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This is fun...

Wel this may seem totally boring to some people,but for me it was totally awesome.Unlike most people I enjoy the smaller things in life and reciting poems outloud and recording them happens to be 1 of those things...I just enjoyed it so much can't even tell you why i did i just know I did:)
"Gather,ye rosebuds,while ye may".....

Monday, May 31, 2010

Prince of Persia: The sands of time

I think am officially crushing on Jake Gyllenhaal...and its probably because he was so awesome in the Prince of Persia.Sure box office hit enjoyed this movie to the max..maybe's its because I enjoyed the game so much,not that i ever went any further than the first level except when i was playing on my

Anyway watch the movie its awesome...OH dont watch Twilight:Eclipes the first two were a creepy cinematic disaster so I don't see how this one is going to be any better.Is it that obvious i'm not a Fan?

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Word of advice do not read the movie reviews on IMBd before watching the ACTUAL the people are harsh,but entertainining. I was literally LMAO while reading some of the of the coments on the latest movie "The Bounty Hunter" with Gerald Butler and Jennifer Aniston went something like this...."Let's just say that every once in a while a truly horrible movie comes along to remind us all what good movies are. This is a monumental failure in casting, direction, plot (or lack thereof) and production. A couple - Jennifer-I-can't-act-Aniston and Gerard-stunned-mullet-Butler are separated. She's the one accidentally running from the law, he's meant to catch her. Can anyone say 'predictable' - Pulllleeeeassse. Throw in the bad guy - queue bad guy music - Peter Greene (bad dude stereotype think The Mask) and yawn through the laughingly called 'suspense' scenes."
And this was 1 of the nicer comments...well if you want to have a good laugh by all means go ahead and read the comments other than that watch the movie then read the coments.

Monday, May 24, 2010 box of tissues for me...

Well gonna watch Titanic again...trying to figure out why am the only person who hasn't cried while watching this movie.I can't possibly be that tough now can I...well watch this space we'll see what happens