Saturday, June 5, 2010

Home is where the heart is.....

Lady antebellums's Home is where the heart is seems very appropriate right now..sooo xcited to finally be going home.Although not as xcited as i have been the past couple of weeks..still enough to make me look forward to the whole trip.This time tomorrow i'll be in the land of the brave...*sigh* Finally i get to have the much needed rest=)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This is fun...

Wel this may seem totally boring to some people,but for me it was totally awesome.Unlike most people I enjoy the smaller things in life and reciting poems outloud and recording them happens to be 1 of those things...I just enjoyed it so much can't even tell you why i did i just know I did:)
"Gather,ye rosebuds,while ye may".....